Recette Zaalouk. Combine eggplant, tomatoes, garlic, cilantro, parsley, paprika, cumin, salt, oil, water, and cayenne in a large deep skillet or pot. Recette Zaalouk (Maroc) : découvrez les ingrédients, ustensiles et étapes de préparation Instructions.
Recettes Zaalouk (Cornelia Ellis) Stir occasionally to make sure the vegetables don't stick to the pan. • Uncover, m ash the vegetables and leave over medium heat until all liquids evaporate. • Add salt and/or juice of a lemon wedge to taste (optional). On se donne rendez-vous dans votre boîte mail ! Once they become soft, mash with a wooden spatula.
Chop the vegetables and brush the eggplants with some olive oil.
Find the video, recipe, and printable recipe PDF below!
Zaalouk d'aubergine aux épices - recette végétarienne | Recette ...
Serve warm or cold, as a side, a dip or a spread. Petite salade toute simple agréablement parfumée à savourer dès les premiers beaux jours. Disponerlas boca abajo en una bandeja de horno con papel antiadherene.
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