Tajin E
Tajin E. Mexican cuisine makes great use of chili and lime, so it makes perfect sense that Tajín seasoning was created by a Mexican company. Stir until well-combined, then pour into the oiled baking dish.
A little goes a long way, and a sprinkle of Tajín can add big flavor to mango, watermelon, pineapple, and fresh fruit salads.
Pile succulent Tajin seasoned shrimp onto a warm corn tortilla, then fix it up with jalapeño, red cabbage, and avocado crema.
It's created from a blend of mild chili peppers, lime, and salt for an irresistibly tangy and slightly spicy combination. Además de al recipiente, también se llama tajine al guiso que se. Ingredients Chili Peppers, Sea Salt, Citric Acid, Dehydrated Lime Juice, Silicon Dioxide.
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Steve Numbersoz
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